Technical Sharing Session | Deploying Clustered Storage with ScaleFlash

Technical Sharing Session | Deploying Clustered Storage with ScaleFlash


Deploying Clustered Storage with ScaleFlash


24 February 2022, Thu




Are you replacing SAN or NAS?
In this webinar, you will learn about the configuration of storage clusters on-premise and in the cloud, some real-world use cases, and alternatives for maintaining a shared storage infrastructure.

2:30pm to 2:40pm – Introduction of 1 Cloudnet Technologies
2:40pm to 2:55pm – Introduction of ScaleFlash
2:55pm to 3:10pm – Deploying Clustered Storage with ScaleFlash
3:10pm to 3:20pm – Clustered Storage in Action (Demo)
3.20pm to 3.30pm – Q&A

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